Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Oil to Clean Energy - 1730 Words

The cost of fuel is ever climbing on a perpetual price ladder. The price of gas has doubled in the past decade and will continue to rise at an even faster rate than ever before. Why do gas prices continually swell? Who owns the oil being drilled and pumped from all over the world? Oil is a non-renewable resource owned by oiling companies such as Exxon Mobile, Chevron, BP, and other name brand gas providers. The prices are skyrocketing because of supply and demand. The world supply of natural oil is being syphoned and used every day at an alarming rate. Oil companies have gotten and are still getting their more than fair share of money for providing these fuels. In fact, these big oil companies have enough money to change their†¦show more content†¦BP Global went into the animal feeding and breeding business. Texaco purchased Getty Oil in 1984 for 9.9 billion dollars. As you can see, big oil companies have more up their sleeves to make money other than oil. With th e push for new ways of powering our machinery with cleaner and more abundant resources, will these big businesses simply buy each other and other companies in order to make it through this trying time, or will they help pioneer technology through to the new age? We now know that oil companies resort to buying and creating smaller companies in order to keep making money even in difficult times. What if instead of buying container companies, making office equipment, attempting to buy circuses, and buying each other, these businesses created new companies to help fund, research, and develop cleaner, more abundant, or renewable energy technologies. It is evident that their main prerogative is making money. There is money to be made buy manufacturing and selling wind turbines, solar panels, and alternative fuels such as bio fuels and hydrogen cells. Some oil companies have already begun delving into alternative energy research and production. Chevron is leading the energy reform by slowly switching to cleaner fuels and energies. A small step that they have taken thus far is to extract natural gas from shale rock. Shale rock is much more abundant than oil found in oil fields reducing the need to drill for oil by a substantial amount. A pageShow MoreRelatedEssay on BP and Consolidation of Oil Industry, 1998-20021491 Words   |  6 PagesConsolidation of the Oil Industry, 1998-2002 Executive Summary BP should sell its business and start a new business, a clean energy production, because it would lose profits from oil supply. Oil industry had not developed in perfect competition; oil price was easily controlled since oil industry was oligopoly, many consumers exist and the government protected oil industry from competition. However, oil industry is facing perfect competition; oligopoly formation of oil industry would comeRead MoreIntegrated Science615 Words   |  3 PagesIntegrated Science Energy in a system may be transformed so that it resides in a different state. Energy in many states may be used to do many varieties of physical work. Energy may be used in natural processes or machines, or else to provide some service to society (such as heat, light, or motion). For example, an internal combustion engine converts the potential chemical energy in gasoline and oxygen into heat, which is then transformed into the propulsive energy (kinetic energy that moves a vehicle)Read MoreWhy Fracking Is Not Be The Most Exciting Process1450 Words   |  6 Pagesfracking can be a little freaky for some people and rightfully so. If one major oil company such as Chevron Corporation made the decision to find a realistic alternative to fracking it could start the process of other major oil companies following in their footsteps. There are three steps Chevron Corp can take to start the process of putting fracking behind us and focusing on the future of energy, which is clean energy. Th ose three steps Chevron need to take are first, admitting fracking was a mistakeRead MoreAlternative Energy is the Solution to the Fossil Fuel Dilemma1366 Words   |  6 PagesAlternative Energy is the Solution to the Fossil Fuel Dilemma If the United States continues to employ fossil fuels for energy, the nation will ultimately become more dependent upon fuel imports from the troublesome nations of the Middle East, and we will continue to damage our precious environment. 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The Alaska tundra has been in question to drill oil or to protect the precious environment there. Should the Alaska tundra be opened for oil drilling? II. Should the Alaska tundra be opened for oil drilling? III. I will analyze this controversy in terms of the following stock issues. A. Ill: Is there a problem with the American energy supply? B. Blame: Is the present (non-ANWR) policy inadequate to deal with the problem? C. Cure: WouldRead MoreThe Earth Is Warming1412 Words   |  6 Pageschange lead to instability that â€Å"creates an avenue for extremist ideologies and conditions that foster terrorism,† a 2014 Department of Defense report said. In Obama’s presidency, he has taken steps to sedate the problem such as the enacting of the Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 32% from 2005 to 2025. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets individual goals for each state on how much carbon emission they must cut. Then each state can come up with their ownRead MoreThe North Dakota Access Pipeline Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagespipeline to be built underneath the Mississippi River poses the compromisation of over 383.6 billon gallons of freshwater (McAllister 41). Just how fast can a safe water supply to compromised? The average oil spill in the the United States in 55,000 gallons. At the conversion that one gallon of oil makes 750,000 gallon of water und rinkable by law. Then one spill directly under the river would compromise only 41 billion gallons but by law would not allow water to be removed from the river for humanRead MoreSecretary Of Energy And National Security Related Missions1169 Words   |  5 PagesSecretary of Energy The Department of Energy is an agency that is a cabinet level. The agency has energy and national security related missions which are very important. Since the World War two and the Manhattan Project Department of Energy is in the system. It was a secret operation that launched effort to improve and store nuclear weapons (allgov, n.d). During the Second World War, after the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1942 Roosevelt approves to produce atomic bomb. President Carter establishesRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On Fossil Fuels1431 Words   |  6 Pagesfuels.† (Google Dictionary). Due to our dependence on fossil fuels as our main source for energy and our carbon dioxide emissions over decades, climate change has rapidly emerged on Earth. Yet, we still have those who deny any scientific evidence of the effect of the dependence on fossil fuels. Climate change is a threat one should not ignore but want to reverse with the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. An issue, which one should consider frightening today and for the future, is climate

Monday, December 23, 2019

Mock Interview W/ George Washington - 768 Words

Good day General Washington. My name is James Powelli, and I run the local newspaper, â€Å"Events of America.† My readers asked me to interview you, so that they could gain some insight on your life. They would also like to know something about you and what challenges and events you faced before, during and after becoming president. So let us get started. JP: Where and when were you born? GW: I was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. JP: At what time did you enter the military? GW: I was appointed adjutant with a rank of major in Virginia’s Militia in 1753. JP: What inspired you to join the military and what kept you there? GW: I inherited a love for the military from my late brother Lawrence, and I felt†¦show more content†¦JP: Well Mr. Washington, I would like to thank you very much for your time. My readers are very excited to hear your thoughts. Is there anything else which you would like to add? GW: No, thank you. I simply wish to return to my fields in Mount Vernon. However, I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to speak my mind, Mr. Powelli†¦ JP: Please, call me James. GW: Forgive me, James. Again I thank you for this opportunity, and I hope I have satisfied yourShow MoreRelatedAmerican Holidays11778 Words   |  48 Pages | | |VA |Va. |Virginia |Richmond |Virginia Beach | | |WA |Wash |Washington |Olympia |Seattle | | |WV |W.Va. |West Virginia |Charleston |Charleston Read MoreMasculinity in the Philippines12625 Words   |  51 Pagesphilippine studies Ateneo de Manila University †¢ Loyola Heights, Quezon City †¢ 1108 Philippines Philippine Commonwealth and Cult of Masculinity Alfred W. Mccoy Philippine Studies vol. 48, no. 3 (2000): 315–346 Copyright  © Ateneo de Manila University Philippine Studies is published by the Ateneo de Manila University. Contents may not be copied or sent via email or other means to multiple sites and posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s written permission. Users may download and printRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. 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Senior management hired an external consultant to identify the problems, provide recommendations and alternatives, and act as a mediator. The consultant s process would have to begin with interviews. ENGINEERING INTERVIEWS The following comments were made during engineering interviews: We are loaded down with work. If marketing would stay out of engineering, we could get our job done. Marketing doesn t understand that there s more work for us to do other than just new productRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 PagesThis textbook offers a well-integrated synthesis of approaches to organization theory. It will be welcomed by organization theory scholars and reflective practitioners and is a valuable companion for scholars and students of organization theory. Henk W. Volberda, Chair of the Department of Strategic Management Business Environment and Vice-Dean of the RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands At last, a text that brings organization theory into the 21st century! This is the first organization theory textbook

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Debut Albums and Young Man Free Essays

A Talking Frog An older gentleman was playing a round of golf. Suddenly his ball sliced and landed in a shallow pond. As he was attempting to retrieve the ball he discovered a frog who, to his great surprise, started to speak! â€Å"Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a week. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Young Man or any similar topic only for you Order Now † He picked up the frog and placed it in his pocket. As he continued to play golf, the frog repeated its message. â€Å"Kiss me, and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole month! The man continued to play his golf game and once again the frog spoke out. Kiss me,and I will change into a beautiful princess, and I will be yours for a whole year! † Finally, the old man turned to the frog and exclaimed, â€Å"At my age, I’d rather have a talking frog! † The Last Ticket During a busy holiday weekend, a woman who was eight months pregnant went to the railway station to return home to her husband. At the reservation counter, when her turn came, there was only one ticket left. Taking pity on a very old lady behind her in line, she offered her berth to the old lady and sent a telegram to her husband which arrived with a small error: â€Å"Shall be coming tomorrow, heavy rush in the train, ave birth to an old lady. † A Business Loan A businessman walked into a bank in San Francisco and asked for the loan officer. He told the officer that he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The bank officer explained that the bank needed some kind of security for such a loan. So the businessman handed over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checked out, and the bank agreed to accept the car as collateral for the loan. A bank employee drove the Rolls into the bank’s underground garage and parked it there. Two weeks later, the businessman returned, repaid the $5,000 with interest, which came to $15. 41. The loan officer said, â€Å"We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000? The businessman replied, â€Å"Where else in San Francisco can I park my car for two weeks for only 15 bucks? † A Big Decision A six-year-old boy walked up to his father one day and announced, ‘Daddy, I’d like to get married. His father replied hesitantly, ‘Sure, son, do you have anyone special in mind? ‘ ‘Yes,’ answered the boy. ‘l want to marry Grandma. ‘ â⠂¬ËœNow, wait a minute,’ said his father. ‘You dont think I’d let you get married with my mother, do you? ‘ Why not? ‘ the boy asked. ‘You married mine. ‘ 100 Penguins A truck driver was driving 100 penguins to the New York Zoo when his truck broke down on the freeway. The driver got out of the cab and was looking at the engine when a second truck driver stopped in front of him and asked if he needed any help. The penguins’ driver explained that ne was taking the penguins to the zoo and asked f the other man would take the penguins there. He agreed. Some hours later, the second truck driver drove past the first one, who was still waiting on the freeway for help to come. The penguins, however, were still on the truck! â€Å"l thought I asked you to take those penguins to the zoo,† shouted the first driver. The second replied, â€Å"l did, but I had some money left, so we’re going to the cinema now. Supermarket Encounter A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him around. Thinking nothing of it, he ignored her and continued on. Finally, he went to the checkout line, but she got in front of him. â€Å"Pardon me,† she said, â€Å"I’m sorry if my sta ring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It’s Just that you look Just like my son who Just died recently. † â€Å"I’m very sorry,† replied the young man, â€Å"Is there anything I can do for you? † â€Å"Yes,† she said. â€Å"As I’m leaving, can you say ‘Goodbye mother’? It would make me feel much better. â€Å"Sure,† answered the young man. As the old woman was leaving, he called out, â€Å"Goodbye mother! † As he stepped up to the checkout counter, he saw that his total was $127. 50. â€Å"How can that be? † he asked, â€Å"l only purchased a few things! â€Å"Your mother said that you would pay for her,† said the clerk. Do you deserve to enter heaven? A man died and went to heaven. An angel met him at the Gates of Heaven and said, ‘Before you meet with God, I thought I should tell you – we’ve examined your whole life, and you really didn’t do anything particul arly good or bad. We’re not sure whether we can admit you into heaven or not. Can you tell us anything exceptional you did that can help us make a decision? ‘ The newly arrived soul thought for a moment and replied, ‘Yeah, once I was driving along and came upon a woman who was being harassed by a group of goons. So I pulled over, got out my tire iron, and went up to the leader of the gang. He was a big, muscular, hairy guy with tattoos all over his body and a ring pierced through his nose. Well, I tore the nose ring out of his nose, and told him that he and his gang had better stop bothering the woman or they would have to deal with me! ‘ ‘I’m impressed,’ The angel responded, When did this happen? The man replied, ‘About two minutes ago’. Return my horse! A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers. When he finished his drink, he ound his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling. â€Å"Which one of you sidewinders stole my horse?!?!? † he yelled with surprising forcefulness. No one answered. â€Å"Alright, I’m gonna have another beer, and if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I did in Texas! How to cite Debut Albums and Young Man, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Startup Junkies Reaction Paper free essay sample

Earth Class Mail An inherent fundamental risk of any startup is that when revenue is not positive, everything put into the company becomes an expense, which is no different for any other company operating in the red. A startup has to avoid spending money that it does not have until it secures adequate capital. As this episode states, nine out of every ten startups fail, and some of the biggest factors are poor product/service selection, poor market selection, and/or an inability to raise proper capital. My initial reaction to this episode is that Earth Class Mail, and their idea of the digitization of traditional mail to an electronic form, is phenomenal. It is synonymous with other forms of pervasive and ubiquitous universal communication such as cellular communication, voicemail, or email, and is a phenomenal business concept. However, the amount of risk, and how it played out in this episode, is equally phenomenal. We will write a custom essay sample on Startup Junkies Reaction Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The liquidation of assets, such as 401Ks, IRAs, and planes, in an effort to secure capital, is a huge gamble. Every other primary form of communication has gone digital other than traditional mail, which makes this a huge, unexplored market opportunity for any new startup. Taking on the United State Postal Service’s communication model and delivery method to change the way individuals receive and handle their everyday mail is both incredibly ambitious, and incredibly lucrative to a company that is successful. This service has the potential to be a success in the short run as an added-value service to the current system, or as a game changing market solution in the long run. To be able to scan, sort, and deliver mail electronically, primarily to smart phones, so that traditional mail follows individuals wherever they go, is a game-changer. The analogy that Earth Class Mail’s CEO uses to describe the addition of the company’s service to traditional mail to that of adding cellular capabilities to traditional landlines is very apropos. I agree with the statement in this episode that team leadership and the evidence of team leadership are the most important trait for successful startups, as investors are often to be as likely to invest in the quality of the management team, as they are the quality of the business concept. I have never been a part of a startup. However, as a long-time IT professional, both as an IT director and as a systems engineer, I can relate to the angst in the technology issues encumbered in this episode. Failure to deal with DNS issues (or other significant technology issues), particularly with the startup or renaming of a website, simply cannot happen. Technology, and especially web presence, has become too important for any successful organization to fail at today. The scene with the VP of Engineering’s issues and his concerns about hardware and software in advance of the initial launch due to funding problems is another illustration of this issue. If a startup wants to create a buzz to create capital and create a market for its product, then the technology cannot be underfunded, imperfect, and not properly responsive, as the likelihood that it will be successful decreases. This episode underpinned how poor my prior understanding of the funding â€Å"recruitment† process and stages is in starting up a corporation from scratch, and the inherent risks involved. From the recruitment of initial â€Å"angel† investors to securing venture capitalist groups to fund the development and growth of the startup during its non-earning years, it is an incredibly risky proposition. The episode shows all too well that while Earth Class Mail has an exceptional management team, loaded with experience, and an exceptional business concept, that there always are pitfalls at every turn for new startup. One week, a startup is turning investors away due to potential over-subscription, and the next they are scrambling for the next stage’s funding due to the loss of a major venture capitalist. Such is the danger of entrepreneurship.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How To Produce A High School Newspaper Essays - Journalism

How to produce a high school newspaper I sat nervously in front of the classroom while my hands shook uncontrollably. I sat and watched each member of my staff walk into the classroom one by one. Lumps formed in my throat as I tried to swallow them into my churning stomach. These were the chosen students who were going to depend on me, their editor-in-chief, for guidance and assistance. All of a sudden, a piercing ringing of the bell indicated that it was time for me to begin. I was the person in charge of nineteen fellow peers. I wasn't sure what to expect while hundreds of questions raced through my mind: What if they don't listen to me? What if I'm not experienced enough? Can I just forget about this and go home? The first day of class was the most nerve wracking and scariest day I have ever had to experience during the course of my short-lived newspaper career. Coordinating a high school newspaper staff and creating a newspaper every three weeks is a lot of fun, but on the other hand, it involves a lot frustration. Much goes into producing a high school newspaper, but most important is the ability to manage and organize a group of people within an allotted amount of time. Patience is also crucial in order to understand and help other staff members. However, when it's completed, the satisfaction is its own reward. Before understanding the entire newspaper production process, there are a few key people whose duties rely heavily on it. The editor-in-chief is the actual ?big cheese? or ?head honcho.? As the editor-in-chief, it was my job to organize and lead the class during every issue to produce a newspaper. This stressful position required good leadership skills, people skills, and production skills since the other staff members depended on me, the editor-in-chief, to direct them. The advisor is usually a teacher who doesn't actual run the class, but advises the editor-in-chief when needed. Section editors have the duty of laying out each page in their section. Some section editors have assistants to help them, but most don't because they usually only have two to three pages. Reporters are the glue in this process. Everything relies on their story and the deadlines they meet. Their main duty is to meet the deadlines. If a reporter misses a deadline, or they are late, then the entire production process gets held back. For instance, if a story is not ready, the section editor can't layout the page without a story; the photographers can't size the pictures onto a page without a story on it; the advisor can't final that page until its completed with a picture and story on it; and finally, the editor-in-chief can't take the paper to press without the pages finaled. So, everything that happens revolves around the reporter and his/her story. The second duty of a reporter is to write a story interesting enough so that the readers will read it. There is no point in writing a story just to take up space. If that were the case, then the efforts (of the entire class) would be meaningless. Photographers also have many duties. They are responsible for taking and printing all the pictures that will be placed in the newspaper. The pictures must be visible and exciting to attract the reader's attention to the story. Sometimes, they have to take twenty or thirty pictures of one athletic event to get that one good action shot. In order to follow the procedures of newspaper production, there are a few terms and newspaper lingo to understand. Dummy sheets are the sheets of paper where section editors design the pre-layout of their pages. Each section editor is responsible for about two to three pages. To crop a picture means to cut a picture or clip art in the appropriate proportions to the picture box where it is to be placed. Copy is the actual text. All the cartoon-like pictures or hand-drawn pictures are the clip art designs. Gutters are the columns between the text that must remain empty. When a story or layout is finaled, the reporter has been through the process of

Monday, November 25, 2019

Boxes and Boxing

Boxes and Boxing Boxes and Boxing Boxes and Boxing By Mark Nichol Is there any connection between the word for a usually square or rectangular container and the name of the contact sport called the sweet science? The pugilistic sense of box may be related to the botanical one and therefore to the general sense of an object in which something is situated or enclosed, but no direct relationship has been traced. However, this post explains the etymological origin of the word in both senses and provides some definitions and usage examples. Box is ultimately from the word pyxos, the Greek name of the box tree, by way of the Latin term buxis. The wood of the box tree, also called boxwood, is used for making things- including, naturally, boxes. (The tree itself is used for hedges and topiary.) Now, however, a box can be made of virtually any material, and though most boxes consist of square or rectangular faces, they come in many shapes. By extension, the word has come to refer to seating compartments for spectators at a sports or performing-arts event, receptacles for mail (though mailbox may refer to both physical and electronic correspondence, and â€Å"letter box† is used in British English), a manually drawn or electronically produced square or rectangular space, or the defined space in which a batter stands while at bat during a game of baseball. (There is also a catcher’s box adjacent to the batter’s box, and the pitcher’s mound, from its origin as a boxed area, is still sometimes referred to as â€Å"the box.†) Box is also a verb meaning â€Å"place in a box,† the act of enclosing something in a box is boxing, and boxy is an adjective meaning â€Å"resembling a box.† In addition, many terms incorporate box as the first or second element in an open or closed compound (for example, â€Å"box office† and hatbox). Boxing Day, a holiday in the United Kingdom and various countries that were part of the British Empire, is said to stem from the tradition of giving boxes containing money or presents to servants and tradespeople on the day after Christmas (or near the holiday). But in the United States, the holiday is not observed and is little known; boxing is in American English solely a reference to the sport in which fists are used to strike or defend oneself from an opponent. The term derives from the verb box, which means â€Å"beat, strike, or thrash with one’s hands or fists.† Box itself can be a noun in this sense, though it is rarely used as such. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One Spelling15 Great Word GamesCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Friday, November 22, 2019

Not June Cleaver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Not June Cleaver - Essay Example This paper explores women experiences and their contributions in the post-war American society by reviewing I Wanted the Whole World to See written by Ruth Feldstein and The Sexualized Woman written by Donna Penn. I Wanted the Whole World to See Ruth Feldstein tells the story of a young teenager who came face to face with the seriousness of racial segregation in Mississippi, in August 1955. Emmett Till was a bright and bold 14-year-old boy who met his death for flirting with a white woman, Carolyn Bryant. Although the boy and his peers seemed to care about the likely repercussions of flirting with a white woman, they immediately forgot about it, at least before his assailants caught up with him. Roy Bryant and John William Milam approached the boy in the company of Mose Wright and drove off with him. Three days later, the badly disfigured body of Emmett Till was found dumped in the Tallahatchie River.1 At first, the community was united, despite racial differences in expressing shock and condemned the heinous murder of the young boy. Bryant and Milam were apprehended for kidnapping soon after they drove away with the boy. In the verdict, it was argued that identity of the corpse could not be identified. Bryant and Milam also claimed that they had let Emmet Till free and did not kill him. Feldstein through this essay shows the challenges that women faced, especially African Americans. Emmett’s mother, Mamie Bradley, sought to nationalize her grief and therefore generally the challenges facing the African American women in the country. She did this by first making Till’s funeral service public. The service was conducted with an open casket shown. In this manner the world was able to see what had happened and equally significant the pain that African Americans experienced in Mississippi. The action of making the funeral service public and specifically the bold step of letting the casket remain open in the course of the funeral service had far reachin g effect – it helped to tell the world, in the most powerful and persuasive way, the evils that were taking place in Mississippi against African Americans. Feldstein described the scenes of the savage repression of women, especially African American women, by the media. The story covered various scenes of pain and suffering that the boy and his mother went through as well as the shock and disbelief expressed by members of the society. Mourners from African descent saw the badly mutilated body of Emmett Till, and quickly recounted brutal repression which they had went through in the past.2 Additionally, it was evident from the story that many more African American women within the society had not yet come across such incidents or heard of them at all for that matter, because some of the regions in the United States like Chicago were more liberal compared to Mississippi.3 The discourse in the essay draw many similarities from June Cleaver’s scenario: for example, the suf fering of black females as was the case for Mamie Bradley points to the fact that many African American women suffered in silence. The publication of pictures depicting various scenes in the murder of Emmett Till and his funeral touched the hearts of almost all members. Additionally, like the June Cleaver’s experiences, women still faced monumental resistance from men and agents of the status quo, despite a significant role of the media in highlighting the scenes of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION SYSTEM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION SYSTEM - Assignment Example There are interconnections undersea through to the Republic of Ireland (EirGrid), Isle of Man (Isle of Man to England Interconnector), Northern Ireland (HVDC Moyle), the Netherlands (BritNed), and northern France (HVDC Cross-Channel). The paper will start with the different types of grid interfaces, protection issues and short circuit change levels. Then the paper will discuss the electrical power design of the components involved in generation of the electricity. In most cases, the low scale generators are indirectly connected to the grid. The characteristics of operation and the technology of generation need the incorporation of some interfaces in between the grid of distribution and the generator. For instance, photovoltaic panel of solar produce direct current electricity and thus, converter based on the power electronics is needed in between the generator and the grid. In technologies like induction generator using wind or hydro, this generator is directly connected to the Alternating Current grid. In the interconnection of the distributed generation, protection is essential. Distribution network is configured in the radial form. In this radial form, the network has over current schemes of time graded protection. The connection of the Distribution Grid may change the present schemes of protection coordination. In case, this is ignored, the protection system may fail to work. The major issues with relation to the Distribution Grid interconnection are as follows: This is the major measure useful in coordinating between over current relays and the selection of current transformers, fuses, reclosers, circuit breaker. The characteristic of short circuit is the equivalence system impendence at the points of and in this way, shows the fault current level that is expected. The variation in the time of this faulty current is affected by the rotating machinery characteristics (Cete, 2010). The majority of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Is babbling a part of language acquisiton, or is it simply 'mouth Essay

Is babbling a part of language acquisiton, or is it simply 'mouth play' - Essay Example The sounds produced during babbling indicate that the infant is trying to communicate his emerging thought pattern and is trying to talk like adults (Oller 2000). Even though words and sentences are not part of infant babble, the sounds in babbling indicate that the infants are making effort to achieve the â€Å"level of human understanding that only language seems to provide† (Oller 2000). It has been found that the world over, the first word that children usually learn are the names of their father and mother (O’Grady 2005). Infants use the sound ‘mama’ and ‘papa’ to refer to their mother and father respectively (O’Grady 2005). Also, as words like ‘mama’, ‘dada’ and ‘papa’ are easy to pronounce, they are used by infants to indicate that they want something to be done (O’Grady 2005). For example, the infants use the sound ‘mama’ when they want to be picked, when they are hungry or when they are not feeling comfortable (O’Grady 2005). Infants use different sounds in babbling to convey different messages to their parents. The emotional bond between the parents and their infants is so strong that the parents intuitively understand the messages hidden in different sounds in babbling. They help their children to assign meaning to different noises by using these sounds themselves while talking to their children (O’Grady 2005). For example, children are taught that ‘mama’ means mother and ‘papa’ means father (O’Grady 2005). After some time, infants learn to use babbling correctly by using different sounds to mean different things (O’Grady 2005). In this way, babbling is the ‘language’ through which infants communicate with their parents. A child starts producing the cooing noises and speech-like sounds at the age of two to three months (O’Grady 2005). By the age of about 6 months, the speech-like sounds are fully

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The History Of The Phuket Organization

The History Of The Phuket Organization Part I Phuket or Phuket Island is located on the west coast of the Andaman, part of the Indian Ocean. Phuket is one of most important travel destination of Thailand. It has natural beauty surrounded by the beach and mountains. Features like a powder white sandy beach and the beautiful blue waters known as Pearl of the Andaman Sea. Phuket has all facilities needed, Phuket international airport which is ready to facilitate traveler from all around the world. Nowaday, Phuket is heart of Andaman coast traveling which is waiting for many millions of local and foreign visitor to see it. Phuket, an area approximately 543 square kilometers or 339,375 rai, the province is the 75th largest in the country or second smallest of the country after Samutsongkhram province. However, it is the largest island of Thailand, length of the island from north to south about 48.7 km and the widest measurement from east to west and approximately 21.3 kilometers.Island surrounded by the Andaman Sea with over 30 of large and small islands in its territory. The word Phuket had been distorted from the Malayan BuGit which means mountain and the original use of the word Phukej which in the language of the Tamil people means Glass Mountain is the term used for the Tamil people calls Mani Klam. Besides, Phuket also has other names from the past such as LeamTakoh Jungceylon Silan Thalang and Thungkha etc. Phuket is a long historic city. In the past, formerly part of the Kingdom of Pornlink. Until Sukhothai age, it became a part of Takuapa town. The island had a reputation as a land of rich tin mines because the tin is the most in the country. The prospect of long-excavated over the past 500 years, the city was a small town at Thalang with Thai nobleman stayed and protected interests from trading with foreigner. In addition to mining, the rubber plantations, coconut orchards and fishery were found commonly in the island. Later in the year 2328 meet the reign of King Rama I, a war had caused the army and Myanmar army troops had invaded into the lands west beach in Thailand from Ranong Chumporn Chaiya to Nakhonsrithammarat. While the Bangkoks armies were in battle at Kanchanaburi, cannot move troops to help out right away. Myanmar had hit Takua Pa and Takua city and camped around Thalang city and wait to hit Prachuap. At that time, Phraya Thalang (Phaya Pimon Alya Khan) passed away recently and had not set a new ruler yet. His wife Madam Chan and sister named Muk were gathering troops and inhabitants. Help set up two large camps to protect city. Myanmar troops cant break through the camp, a month passed and no foodstuffs supplied to Myanmar troops and withdraw all troops finally Bravery of them in this was courage and great benefits to the nation. So King Rama the great ordered Royal decoration for the lady Chan as Thao Thepkasattri and Muk as Thao Srisoonthorn It is pride to the citizens of Thalang until today. Later, during the reign of King Rama 5, he gathered the western seaside towns and named as Territory Phukaj and the year 2476 has been canceled territory system then changed to Phuket Province since then. Today, Phuket province is divided into 3 districts named Muang Thalang and Kathu. State its mission, vision and major goals. Mission Statement: Phuket will deliver the best leisure experience as well as the fresh of natural environment. As the center of diversified sanitarium and wellness tourism place, people visit Phuket to escape from confusing life stress or illness and its life can be recovered here. Phuket experiences will bring people back to good Vision Statement: To make Phuket and perimeter province the worlds choice of relax and revitalize Major goals: To drive the strategy of the Phuket province, development goals are set as following 1. Become a center for world-class marine health tourism destination. 2. To raise the quality of life of people and maintains its unique identity of the local culture. 3. Management and utilization of natural resources and environment to keep it balance and sustainable. Analyze challenges and developments in relation to its marketing. Phuket is one of the global most attractive travel destinations for many years and it has been developing in term of facilities, commercial and sightseeing. These are good to facilitate and support the traveler to visit Phuket conveniently. However, the environment of Phuket has been decaying gradually. The famous Pathong beach is crowded by booths shops and people caused dirty and garbage around the length of beach that reduce the beauties of Pathong in nowadays. The rapid change of city also lead the number of criminal and robber increasing in recent year and it has been concerned with the security of traveler both Thai and foreigner. Challenge for development of destination marketing is how to sustain Phuket name in term of its intrinsic beauties with charming culture of Thailand and create more attractive place continuously. The opportunity of developing Phuket to successful travel destination is not only create reputation to single Phuket itself. Group of provinces around Phuket can make attractive places portfolio bigger and various. Development of Phuket in the past, it had been developed along with the group of city side strategically. And link in upper south provinces as well as national and international which can say that Phuket has changed in a certain level. The situation of a growing trend of tourism growth in Asia Pacific continued. Thereby enhancing opportunities for Phuket Using the existing base support various development opportunities that will occur in accordance with the following situation. World-class tourism reputation. Economic growth and significantly increasing of investment in the tourism and healthy and Elderly. Linked to regional and international development (Development of travel industry also improves the standard of local products services and educations). Development of tourism and fishery industry. Government supports strategically. Alert of global environment concern quality of life and sustainable development. To grasp existing chance, Phuket may position itself as health spa or health resort. Forest and beach resource of Phuket are attractive enough for normal travel and it can be developed typically with the development of the whole country but Phuket can differentiate itself and benefit from its natural resources and sightseeing. Revitalize spa or resort that target to people who escape from disorder of metropolitan, stress or in recovering from treatment of sickness can be good story to communicate to target visitors. Solid direction must be set and roadmap should be launched from government sector. Roadmap must gathering idea from entrepreneur around Phuket and provinces around. The group of leading resort and hotel in must be selected and pioneers to the projects as well as other investor who are professional in field of health spa or sanitarium. Explain the destinations marketing strategies. Background Phuket is one of the most famous tourist destinations and has undergone rapid and investment of international healthcare. Phuket can now offer the highest standards of welfare and medical care, blended with Thai hospitality. The principle of the health service with world-class hospitality warm and charming Phuket is conducive to health and wellness destination in the world. There is more to Phuket than its white sand beaches, fantastic bargain shopping, water and land sports and entertainment. Phuket hospitals provide patients access to highly qualified medical personnel. We emphasize that this international accreditation of key factors of success and a guarantee of our commitment to the best of medical services. The rapid changes in our world today lead us to the era thorniest issue. The world has changed, both positively and negatively, and development are most afraid of our humanity is the development of the disease. In short, if I may say, the disease has no barriers; people living anywhere in the world would have the chance to experience any kind of illness or disease. And most of the time, the disease can be cured for the license period. With this belief, Phuket is the best place for medical treatment; we have the edge when it comes to the availability of services. And you found that there was no time to queue or a long wait for medical treatments in Phuket. Situation Analysis In Thailand, health tourism is just in the early stage and trend of growth is vague without any direction from government. However, opportunity of dramatically growth is exist, from many important factors such as attractive resort town, good standard of medical services and lower cost of living. Therefore, global trend of wellness tourism is growing but Thailand is still laggard, big chance to fulfill demand of patient or retire people from developed country. SWOT Analysis Strengths Tourism resources are uniquely beautiful and diverse world-renowned. Appropriate and isolated location. A strong and diverse economic base. The availability of infrastructure and service facilities. Have a unique culture. High standard of wellness and medical services. Low cost of living and medical services expense. Weaknesses Security and tourist exploitation. Participation of citizens and public mind. Control and maintain standards of service. Dependence of foreign workers. Appearance of a natural earthquake risk area the tsunami. Language and Culture Barrier Lack of medical staffs. Opportunities World-class tourism destination. Economic growth and investment in tourism, health and the elderly. Traveling Thailand is strongly support from government sector. Threats Uncertainty of local political situation. Instability of global economic. International terrorism, international conflict and epidemic disease. Obsolete of laws and regulations. Destinations marketing strategies of Phuket could start from its own resources, people and culture. This to set the whole picture of culture and leisure experiences occurs spontaneously. Main strategies Assign strategic tourism of Phuket Pangnga and Krabi. Position and the definition of each provinces must stated obviously and use to communicate to target visitors. Development competitive capabilities of Provinces, defines each one clearly and develop core capability, resources and commitment of local community. Encourage local people to help promote their hometown to visitor. Sponsor local merchant or facilitator doing business at their place rather than move to Bangkok. Recommendations for this destination to pursue in the future. Phuket is normally well known in global travel destination from its quality beach resort and natural sightseeing. Target of bringing health conscious people to take an interest to Phuket is just to boost up communication of new story in health spa and sanitarium for patient and elder. The plan of doing this could be implemented by government and put into national development in tourism sector and keep monitoring the result and success rate among investor. Serious support from Thailand Authority of Tourism (TAT) is needed, new investor or existing player in resort industry may be supported in monetary promotion or tax policy. The uncertainty of local political is one of major obstacle to future and influenced to sustainable development of Phukets destination marketing. Different policy of different political parties may lead the development of Phuket and TAT policy support to the plan out of track. This might extremely influent decision of investor at first as well. Comment on your learning from studying this destination and preparing the project. Major sources of studying this destination are from internet and secondary data collected by TAT. Phuket is one of most interesting Thai travel destination and in focus of many study therefore information are not so difficult to find. The specific type of data to manipulate is the structure of process in government and it support that needed to counted on the project. Data is complex and hard to exactly verify how to get the real direction of organization under any political control. Part II You are requested to draft a NEW strategic plan for the selected case, not to show or analyze the existing one. At least 8 pages Strategic Tourism Business Plan Select tourism products (spa) Do the external environment analysis: -Society (POlitical, Economic, Technology, Socio-culture, International influence) -Task (customer, competitor, supplier, workforce, laws and regulation, shareholder) Do the internal environment analysis: -Structure, culture, resource (organization structure, business owner, shareholder, board of mgt, org culture, staff, techno and appliances) Do the product benchmarking with one competitor Do the product and market positioning: SWOT, segmentation Set the corporate direction (vision, mission, goal, objective) Design/suggest tourism business strategies -(Corporate(growth,stability, retrenchment strategy)/ -Business(promotion mkt, product, priceing, / -Functional Level Strategies(HRM) ) Six Senses Destination Spas are dedicated to transforming the lifestyle of its guests through a complete immersion into healthy and mindful living. They offer structured and personalized programmes that blend holistic fitness activities, organic fishetarian and raw foods cuisine, wellness education, self-discovery classes, relaxation and renewal. Preventative wellness is a fundamental component, combined with sound nutritional and naturopathic knowledge, which provides guests with the ability to consciously support their health and longevity, overcome and alleviate stress, and live a more healthful life, www.sixsenses.com/Six-Senses-Destination-Spas/index.php. Six Senses Destination Spas is located in Karon beach where the sand is white and clear view of seaside while slightly people have water activities around because it is danger zone of windy and high level of sea wave. The goals of the company are first to be profitable and introduce healthy course and program that is effective and create buzz among group of health conscious people which help create spa brand recognition. Vision Become leading combination on medical and beauty spa to meet the needs of clients in health and beauty by merging the Thai traditional know-how and modern medical innovation by the year 2015. Mission Set new standard of value added spa by blending folk wisdom together with modern science of treatment and science of beauty with professional medical team to increase customer satisfaction. Total solution of healing and treatment will be the top of program that prospects customer looking for not only local customer but also in global market. Objective To create a unique Thai spa massage and special therapist for global market. Report more than 10 million sales revenues by end of first year. Maintain average 25% of profit after tax after 2 years of operation. Maintain client return rate not less than 60% at the end of second year. Become very first choice of destination spa among potential target by end of first year. External environment analysis OPPORTONITIES The distinctive traditional Thai massage and the outstanding Thai hospitality presented through the well-trained therapists As for the government, it has been doing its utmost in promoting Thai spas. For example, Thailand is scheduled to hold ISPA Asia Pacific Conference Exhibitions in 2006, which, according to Watchara Phannachet, Deputy Minister of Industry, will be beneficial to the economy in general. Moreover, the government has provided training to personnel in the spa industry to enhance the standards of Thai spas. The Thai Spa Association and the Thai Spa Operators Association were set up to bring together all those involved in the local spa industry to steer Thai spas in the same direction, http://www.thaispaassociation.com/ In 2004 the Thai government implemented a policy to develop Thailand into a health service centre. The strategy is to make Thailand the centre for health services in Asia by the year 2010. With the Thai governments promotion of Thailand as the Healthcare hub of Asia, and Tourism Capital of Asia the future outlook for the Thai tourism industry seems promising. The continuous increasing number of visitors and the growing demand for health related treatments, it is anticipated that Thailand is a potential market for Danish suppliers of equipments, products and accessories for the hotel, spa and health related sectors. As people decide to change their habits and pursue healthier lifestyles because Higher rates of heart disease, increases in the incidence of cancer, record numbers of clinically obese people, and various other health scares have all drawn attention to the need for healthy lifestyle choices. Additionally, as modern medicine has progressed, doctors and scientists have greatly expanded their knowledge of the human body, exposing many health risks that were previously unknown. One-hundred years ago, doctors touted excessive sun exposure as beneficial, and heroin/cocaine combo sets, complete with syringes and needles, were sold in department stores. It is now common knowledge that too much sun can cause skin cancer, smoking can bring on any number of painful deaths, and eating a bit too much ice cream can pack on the pounds, increasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Last 1-2 years ago, most of spa businesses were open in hotels and resorts. This caused consumers some inconvenience to receive service and services fees of spa located in hotel or resorts are relatively higher than stand alone spa in the similar standard and quality. From premium price of spa in hotel forces those to focus on only hi end segment of customers. Therefore, stand-alone spa business which can offer high quality and charge at medium or medium high can fulfill large demand on the market. There are approximately 40% annual growths from a space of market conditions, most of which are open for not super premium like offering in resort and hotel. Support from government is also in form of source of funding which easier than in the past and cost of finance is decreasing from the trend of global interest rate. THREATS The intense competition in the market, data from 585 spas operating in Thailand state that 51% were day spas and 49% were destination spas co-located with accommodation. In the first stage of spa operation in Thailand, it is always available in major hotels and resorts but spa business is highly popular among consumers in recent day. Enabling the investors and entrepreneurs to start businesses as stand-alone and this kind of spa are increasing everywhere in Thailand leads to high level of competition. And substitute of spa products that help relieve stress, or healthy are also abundant. Generally, consumers can find products or services likes a fitness center in office buildings stand-alone or even in retail center, massage services are plentifully available in common commercial building. Other substitute is activities which people can join with no cost likes aerobic, running or bicycling in Public Park. Consumers have many choices in selecting the service by certain activities, those can be done without cost or very cheap to pay and people can access this kind of activity easier than spa in additional. A newcomer in the spa industry is medical spas. The primary purpose with medical spas is to provide comprehensive and complimentary therapies and treatments. Treatments primarily offered by medical spas are laser surgery, colon therapy, weight control, and various diagnostic packages aimed at analyzing ones individual health situation. Problems perceived by the tourists as medical spa may only be using the old science of treating diseases such as Treatment with acupuncture actually, the Spa will not only do that. It is very meaningful medical spas Investment and operating cost factor, the most recent import figures are collected during 2004, where 80% of the medical and health related equipment was imported. The main suppliers are USA with 40 percent of the total exports, followed by Japan (17 percent), Germany (14 percent) and UK (7 percent). In 2004 the Thai medical equipment market was worth approximately USD 371 million (Baht 14,270 million or DKK 2,261 billion). With positive expectations for the healthcare sector it can only be assumed that the value of the equipment market increases considerably in the future. Bargaining power of suppliers of products used in spa services is also rather high. Products such as heat and bowl system Jacuzzi sauna and steam room are mainly component in spa business but this group of products is needed to supply from international vendor then import through few local distributors. So this problem can flatten choice of quality product for a small business operator or new comer, http://www.wikinvest.com/concept/Health_%26_Wellness Internal factors analysis STRENGTHS Results-orientated approach is the way Six Senses Destination Spas proved to customer. After customers experience our program, they trend to invite friends or relatives to try too. This is the way to sustaining existing customers and attracting new customer to the business. A well-researched of each Thai traditional program to make sure the benefit and avoid negative affect possibly happened to customers. This to prevent unexpected negative result and also enhance product development dimension of Six Senses Destination Spas, long-term focusing. Experiences and good attitudes of staffs recruited is crucial, not only giving intensive training to new staffs and periodically training to update existing staffs for long term development but also looking for new staffs who are ready with experiences and attitudes toward spa services. WEAKNESSES High operation cost associated with spa components, equipment maintenance and payroll which reflect capability of both operation staffs and medical staffs. However, Six Senses Destination Spas cant avoid these kinds of cost because it will keep the business on top among other spa operators in the industry. The capability to services in limited volume of customers. As the need of highly trained staff and specific equipments, limitation to number of services offering daily may not flexible enough if demand of Six Senses Destination Spas increase too quickly. Limited area coverage. As planned to locate on Karon beach area, coverage area of business that customers may looking for accommodation or resort around our place as well. Product benchmarking with major competitor The main competitor who is offering luxurious range of beauty and health spa service in our sight is Lets Relax Spa. Lets Relax day spa was established year 1998 in Chiang Mai City. As we continue our excellent services, our valued clients tremendously spread the news of our exceptional services of our professional therapists. Therefore, as part of our gratitude, we make it a point to grow each day to serve you better and to suit your every need from treatments to branches. Lets Relax now has 6 day spas conveniently located throughout the kingdom, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok. www.letsrelaxspa.com/index.php?p=aboutus Strengths of the above services are offered: the proximity of the service of luxurious spa chain, prime location (Bangkok, Chiangmai, Pataya and Phuket) and name recognition. The weaknesses of these competitors are the general lack of promotion and penetration in international market. Our competitive advantage is wide open, and gives us the opportunity to service a large population that is not currently well served. When you include our service works energy. Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) to reveal the competitive dimension of Six Senses and Lets Relax Product and market positioning Six Senses Destination Spas will automatically position itself as one of the best health spa in Phuket and Thailand southern area as well as among global spa arena. Bearing in mind that none of the other competitors can offer exact range of services we will, or that their staffs can be capable and trained like ours, and there are no health salons of our kind in the area, we will be able to provide services to some of Phuket population are not being exploited. There are no exact competitors, and some nearby competitors in Phuket and its perimeter. Six Senses Destination Spas also have corporate due with premium travel agency and higher grade credit card issuer. Market Segmentation Our target market will be divided by beauty spa and health spa. Beauty spa customers will be all ages and sexes, since health spa is relatively associated with specific group of customer especially elders. We anticipate that the beauty spa salon will also affect health salon happen in the same way. Thusly, our target market segments will be male and female professionals and retirees, age from 28 years, with individual incomes above THB 60,000 or household income above THB 200,000. Design/suggest tourism business strategies Business and marketing strategy Main strategies 1. Focusing on brand awareness by using advertising. 2. Facilitate customers to access our place by building network and transportation from major location in Phuket. 3. Building community relationships and word of mouth through the unique service and quality, friendly and supportive, and to establish the absolute reliability of our services. Promotion Strategies Our promotion strategy has two components Promotion of the first phase will focus on advertising, during and six months after our opening. Advertising in second phase will focus on all integrated communication and advertising in the long term and maintain awareness of brand and keep feel of top health spa in one of the best destination of the world. First phase Advertisement We will use local newspapers, local radio and magazines of social health, local, local television, mailings to all households in the immediate five mile radius, and mailings to all local affairs to premium wellness database. Internet Selective with related content website and our alliances will be used to penetrate international target customers. Alliances Services profile of Six Senses Destination Spas will be placed on our alliances resort hotel and hospital. Some real premium travel agency will be offered with our privileged services to its customers. Second phase Advertisement We will continue to place advertisements in local social and health magazines this year. Mail-outs will be done again to both our customers and follow database a year later after the opening. Radio and television will be when we have special sales in the most stressful times of the year. Television ads are not certain, we will evaluate effectiveness before implementing other case by case. Internet We will continue to have a comprehensive website. After six months, and certainly after the first year, we will evaluate the viability of having the target clients of advertising on our site, and vice versa, we will evaluate the viability of advertising on the target customers of our websites (if applicable). Social network such as facebook and twitter will be implemented after a year or when we have build customers base to create connectivity among experienced customers and this might form and spread out our reputation of services to the network easier. Alliances This type of advertising will be done as soon as we have grown beyond our threshold of profitability. We will also form alliances with an advertising company with whom we share common business objectives. We will also implement mutual benefits with our neighbors and restaurant business that will contribute to the local visibility. Advertising promotions with some restaurants will also be discussed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Recruiting Changes in College Football :: Essays Papers

Recruiting Changes in College Football With the recent controversy and scandal surrounding the University of Colorado and the college football world, this off season has been one of the busiest ever. College Football has experienced an eye-opening revelation and these experiences call for major changes in the traditional recruiting practices. Last month, stories surfaced about the University of Colorado using sex, alcohol, and parties to lure blue chip recruits to their program. While these types of actions are prevalent at every major football program, this is the first time that they have been officially exposed. This exposure has started a chain-reaction of changes to the recruiting part of college football and has grabbed the attention of the United States Congress. The involvement of the most powerful government in the world shows the seriousness of the present situation and also that these inappropriate recruiting practices are not going to be ignored any longer. The face of college football will change dramatically and the results of this scandal will have a lasting impact for decades to come. For any person who follows college football and has a favorite team, this is an important issue because the traditional way that many of us have come to love, is about to disappear. It is amazing how an isolated incident, such as the one at Colorado, can incite such a large frenzy and call for change. The scandal started with a former recruit telling his experiences during his college visit in Boulder at the University of Colorado. His stories included wild parties with unlimited amounts of alcohol and the open availability to sex with the women of his choosing. The term used for these parties was "sex parties" and recruits were told that the women would perform any sexual act he desired. After the recruit made his experiences public, other stories began to surface from other recruits who had similar experiences at Colorado and other schools. The situation came to a boil when a former female player accused some of her team mates of sexual assault at one of these parties. Other students came forward with similar allegations of football players forcing sex from females at their parties. What started as small story ballooned into a very situation and it became very obvious that the recruiting game was out of control and in need of major change. After the stories surfaced out of Boulder, Colorado more stories began to surface around the country and even Brigham Young University kicked off four players for sexual misconduct.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Compare and Contrast Presentation Outline Essay

While spending time thinking about the goal in my life, the only one answer coming up in my mind is to achieve success. But what exactly the word ‘success’ should be defined? Thinking considerably, there are at least two fundamental achievements in life that inspire people. One is to be rich, while another one is to be famous. Though these two words are somehow closely related if you think about the celebrities who are famous and rich at the same time, there are some others who only have high recognition but not rich, such as Mother Teresa who devoted her whole life doing charity for the poor. Therefore, the topic that I am really interested in is about whether to be rich or to be famous is the key word for success. Being famous does not necessary mean bring rich, and vice-versa. Both generally bring satisfaction if brought to one in a positive manner, or in a way he/she intended it to. Because being famous and being rich are both signs leading to success, which in most cases, is the human’s ultimate goal. Being just either rich or famous, other than being a positive thing, could produce highly negative and unwanted end results too. A huge percentage of people are famous as a result of all sorts of negativity, such as criminal acts and negative politics. At the same time, a good part of the world’s drug lords and terrorism-driven groups are fairly rich too. So when does being rich or famous become a good thing? Usually, a combination of being rich and famous, surprisingly, doesn’t do as much harm to coexisting peers, as the former would. Although criminals who fall under lists such as ‘FBI’s Most Wanted’, turn out to be rich and famous, regardless of how they got to where they are. But a bigger portion of the ‘rich and famous’ category are occupied by highly paid movie stars and sportsmen, neither of whom does much harm to the society. What I expect from contrasting their difference is that the readers will realize being famous is the sustainable way to achieve success rather than being rich. In other words, money cannot be used to buy the fame. Though being rich is another sign of success, without being famous, one can be forgotten easily. On the other hand, being famous is eternally recognized by people. Even if they died, the world still praise and remind of their accomplishments. By standing on this opinion, people will not just look forward to making money, but will try themselves on inventing new things, creating beautiful arts, and doing whatever they are interested to become well-known by others and then succeed in their lives. The key word to success should start from being famous and will prove that it is true by giving examples about people who were quite poor but famous and successful in their lives. The contrast presentation will be controlled differently in each slide depending on famous area of those people. As a result, this presentation is worthy to compose because it will be such a good lesson to teach everyone, including myself, to understand the regular basis of being successful in life. Trying to be famous is the first step to achieve sustainable success.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Eulogy for Simon Essay

Well, what can I say about Simon. Every one of us here, present today in this memorial, are aware of how such a good person he exerted to be in his short life. I looked up to him, he was like a coach to me, I thought that it was almost impossible for such a pure spirit to be present, and it did; and it was my best companion. He taught me many lessons, which I know they will help me throughout life, and since the day we met I could see a future connection between us. He was one of the best buddies I ever had. Simon was a shy, sensitive boy which made him unique. He was always willing to work for the good of his community. Having a spiritual human goodness that was deeply connected with nature made him so lovable. His name, which means â€Å"he whom God has heard,† signifies the depth of his spirituality and centrality to the novel’s Judeo-Christian allegory. Whenever there was a chance to help someone he took an extra step to do so. The one thing I remember the most about him was his skinny, vivid little body with straight, coarse black hair. In the wind his hair shifted back ever so lightly, making it look longer. We met on a rainy day at recess when the other kids were bullying me. I was being kicked around like a hacky sack not knowing what was happening. After I finally got loose I ran to somewhere safe and the next thing I saw was him, Simon. When he saw me crying, he brought the joy back to me. He said encouraging stuff, like â€Å"You do know that the only reason they are bullying you is because they have been bullied themselves. If you ignore them for some quite time they will forget all about you. Hey, why don’t you spend lunch with me tomorrow?† Me slowly lifting me head said â€Å"sure.† That day forward I spent every day eating lunch with him, laughing and having a great time. Every day was a new adventure with him not knowing what was going to come next. Every Sunday we went to church together praising the lord. One of his greatest passions in life was his pride in religion. He was very attached to his value of religion. He was always sure of what he believed in, and he never had doubts of any of this. Over a year period he only missed church once because of a family emergency. This made me look up to him even more and I joined bible club in 4th grade because of  it. It is incredibly sad that Simon life ended so soon and I cannot put into words how much I will miss him. Simon was a positive person and would not want us to be sad today. If he were here he would tell us to cheer up, smile and remember all of the great memories we all shared. Even though Simon may be gone, his memory will live on in all of us forever. Simon I appreciate your friendship and will neve r forget you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Critical Informations Systems and Kudler Fine Foods

Critical Informations Systems and Kudler Fine Foods Free Online Research Papers Kudler Fine Foods is a small to medium-sized company in La Jolla, California. The La Jolla store functions as the headquarters for the company, with another two stores in Del Mar and Encinitas. Kudler Fine Foods has a unique way of doing business. The company makes effective use of outsourcing the shipping and inventory resources and combines four different business information systems to achieve a common business goal. An information system that is critical to the business processes of Kudler Fine Foods is an information system that tailors to operations within the company and combine existing information systems into one system that a manager uses to collect and organize the data into useful reports. By combining the efforts of the existing information systems, efficiency and productivity levels operate on the same level as larger corporations. The critical business information system that makes the company perform as a large corporation is the operations management information sys tem. The operations management information system collects, collaborates, and organizes information among the various information sub-systems: the Transaction Processing System (TPS), Just-In-Time (JIT) shipping information system, and the Human Resources Management Information System (HRMIS), and processes this data into useful information. The operations manager has functional oversight and is responsible for operating and maintaining of the operations management information system. The sales, shipping inventory, and human resources managers support the operations manager through the respective sub-systems (the TPS, JIT, and HRMIS systems), and through various reports, verbal, and written communication. The operations manager oversees operations and has operational responsibility of making all tactical and operational decisions for Kudler Fine Foods, and uses the operation management information system to make informed decisions on inventory requirements, sales, and product choices. Th e operation management information system’s infrastructure is set up in much the same way as the structure of the organization: The human resources manager, the sales manager, and the shipping inventory manager report to the operations manager, and their corresponding information systems send and receive data through the operation management information system. The operations manager reports to the Chief Executive Officer, and the operation management information system sends information and reports to the Executive Information System (EIS). The operation management information system and the supporting sub-systems closely resemble Kudler Fine Foods organizational hierarchy, and as a result, the operations manager can quickly and accurately generate reports, sales trends, and track inventory. Within minutes, the operations manager can view all aspects of company operations, from sales performance to delivery times, inventory, sales, local vendors that provide supplies and services, and importers that ship products to the company. The operations manager can quickly translate this data through the operation management information system into useful reports, and send reports and corresponding data to the chief executive officer by way of e-mail through the private corporate intranet. The operations manager can also send the same report simultaneously to the executive information system for processing and viewing by the chief executive officer, effectively reducing time spent on generating and submitting reports. The time spent on collecting data from the various sub-systems is time consuming, so the operation management information system retrieves only the necessary data at regular intervals to produce reports and provide input to the executive information system, track sal es trends, monitor sales activity on a minute-by-minute basis, record losses, track and manage inventory requirements, and manage vendor accounts. The activities mentioned above are necessary for normal business functions within the company. Kudler Fine Foods relies on the functions and features of the operation management information system to thrive in their respective market. In short, to survive in the modern market today, a management information system that assists the operations manager with effectively collecting, collaborating, and organizing information is crucial to the success of Kudler Fine Foods. The features and functions that tailor to the needs of the operations manager is what make the operation management information system a critical business tool for Kudler Fine Foods. The operation management information system provides the necessary features that collect data from the TPS, JIT, and HRMIS systems, and organizes this data into useful information in the form of reports, trends, and tracking information. The capabilities of the operation management information system allow Kudler Fine Foods to perform at peak efficiency, which allows the company to perform on the same level as a large corporation. The result is an information system that drastically reduces time, increases productivity, and reduces expenses, which increases Kudler Fine Foo ds bottom line. 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Monday, November 4, 2019

Goal Setting Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goal Setting - Personal Statement Example I have some very lofty goals that I know are challenging but I am on the right path. Currently I am working towards becoming a Clinical Physcologist. I am attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a freshman. I am highly ambitious as I will be completing 26 credits for my 1st semester (normally coursloads run from 15-20 credits). I have sustained a high level of achievement throughout all of my academic career, my many awards and honors include Honor roll (200-2006), Who's Who Among American High School Students, High School student achievement award (2004 and 2006), Student of the month (2004), National Honor Society(2004-2006), and Kiwanis Club certificate of Scholastic achievement (2003). I have not only excelled in academics but in sports as well as participating in community service. I was awarded the Bradford athletic award for volleyball in 2003 and have volunteered at the lions club and Shalom Centre, where I have helped serving meals as well as helping those in need. I am an excellent candidate for the scholarship awarded by the Slovak American Charitable Association. I am the third generation of my family to be a member of the "First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association". I am proud of who I am and where my family has come from.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Project Reviews Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Reviews - Research Paper Example cope of the project, how many people works in that particular project, level of skills of the personnel, the time required for the project completion, project familiarity, resources available, the risk associated with the project, the project complexity and how often the communication is carried out within the project management systems (Barkley, 2006). While carrying out the project reviews it is fundamentally right to factor in the actionable information that gauges the extent of success of these projects. It should be able to scrutinize the project and determine the things that went well as well as those that met with failure in the process of project implementation. Besides, it should be able to capture things that struggled and created bottlenecks in different phases of the project implementation and take into account the preparation of the feedback mechanisms. The project review should take comparisons of the required specifications in consideration of the end results and whether the project is on track or in deviations. The actionable information helps in putting the lessons learnt in taking care of the project quality, budget, overall impacts, time delivery schedule and the project deviations from the requirements. The review should not be biased in any way and it should be able to identify risks that have occurred or yet t o occur in the process of project implementation. Honest project reviews is helpful since it puts projects on the right tracks by identifying the shortfalls and successes (Barkley,